Behavioral Health
Learning Collaborative
of Pennsylvania
Accelerating practice innovation and collaborative care
What We Do

For the past 18 years, we've been working to strengthen behavioral health programming across Pennsylvania through expanded mental health screening, increased staff training, and access to technology.
Through multiple collaborations and grants, we've created a network of stakeholders that include clinicians and staff who work in emergency departments, schools, primary care practices, community-based organizations, and behavioral health clinics.
This network has generated best practices and high quality research that can benefit both state and local programs throughout the country. We created a hub to share this information with the public and continue our collaborative efforts outside of funding cycles.
youth screened across PA

We've been working together for over 15 years

Our network represents more than 60% of PA counties

We've screened over 100,000 people across the state

We've identified over 5,000 people with current suicide ideation

​Melanie Moyer
Student Assistance Program (SAP) Liaison
Mercer County

Years of consistent two-way communication and strong relationships built with school personnel, parents, and students are the key to Mercer County Behavioral Health Commission’s (MCBHC) success in addressing student behavioral and mental health. Mix in dedicated client services and their Camp Kids program for 5th and 6th graders, and it’s a recipe for buy-in at an early age.
Past Case Studies
The content listed on this website does not necessarily reflect the official policies or views of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, specifically the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, and the Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by these entities.