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BHS Child Version Validation
Validation Plan

500 Participants
With the help of 14 SAP agencies across 11 counties, we collected data on 500 children ages 6-14. ​

Parent Report
Parents answered questions about their child using both the Child Version of the BHS and the validation battery.

Validation Measures
Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS); Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ); EAT 26; Child and Adolescent Symptom Inventory – Progress Monitor (CASI-PM); and PTSD Checklist (PCL-PR), ASQ.
Participating Counties






Mental Health Risk Factors

Current Suicidal Ideation

History of Suicidal Ideation

Moderate to Severe Depression


School Performance

73% of parents have recieved calls about their child's behavior

27% of children use special resources for emotional, behavioral, or academic issues

45% of children participate in extracurricular activities

Friends & Bullying

Report their child has at least one good friend

Report they are comfortable with their child's selection of friends

Report their child is sometimes or often bullied
Child Trauma Exposure

Report their child has been physically hurt

Report their child has been sexually touched

Report their child has had a physical fight with someone other than their parent/guardian
Exposure to Violence

19% had seen or heard violence in their home

31% had seen or heard violence in their neighborhood
Child Safety

100% of children wore seat belts or used a car seat when in the car

75% of children wore a helmet when biking
Substance Use

Report someone at home with substance use problems

Report their child has used tobacco

Report their child has used marijuana
Child Safety

1% of parents report their child could obtain a gun within a day

17.5% of parents surveyed have a gun at home
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